
Metro C Amba Aradam Station: the second TBM also faces History


On 3rd August 2018 , the second TBM (Tunnel Boring Machine) also arrives at the Amba Aradam / Ipponio Station, the Metro C station whose excavation has brought to light an extraordinary military complex of the 2nd century A.D., named the “Centurion’s House” and which constitutes one of the most important archaeological discoveries of the year.

After the first TBM, left from S.Giovanni (Shaft 3.3) in March 2018 and arrived on 25th May , both now cut the first finish line on the path that runs from the San Giovanni station towards Fori Imperiali_Colosseo.
Each of them has excavated about 400 meters of tunnel so far, with an excavation section of 6.70 meters, providing at the same time the installation of about 300 rings each for the complete covering of the tunnels.

On this occasion as well as for the first TBM, the IMG has promptly implemented a strengthening of the geotechnical-structural monitoring system during construction by:
– intensification of the piezometric readings in two shafts at the Amba Aradam / Ipponio station site
– increased frequency of inclinometer readings and strain gauge bars for greater structural control of bulkheads.